china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

凯时尊龙人生就是博首页 copyright statement
    the present website is initiated and managed by china longyuan electric power group corp (hereinafter refer to as longyuan group). any user should read the following provisions carefully before using the website.
    data, information, and other contents of this website are all provided by longyuan group; anyone getting access to this website to read any content, and download any material for this website or use data provided by this website shall be considered to have agreed to abide by these provisions. these provisions shall make up an agreement between longyuan group and any user. do not use this website unless you have agreed these provisions. longyuan group shall reserve the rights to update the following provisions at any time without notice while these updates shall also make up restrictions on the users.

statement of rights  
    the ownership, 凯时尊龙人生就是博首页 copyrights, and other rights relating to data, information, layout design, patterns, flows, sounds programs and other contents on this website shall be entitled to and reserved by longyuan group. such rights shall be protected by thegeneral principles of the civil law of the people's republic of china, the 凯时尊龙人生就是博首页 copyright law of the people's republic of china, thelaw of the people's republic of china for countering unfair competition, also by other laws, regulations, normative legal documents, and related international treaties; any infringements to the above-mentioned rights shall be likely to incur undertaking civil, administrative and criminal responsibility.
    all contents contained in this website, especially contents concerning possible or expected future performances, costs, dividends, revenues, production level or production efficiency, prices, market shares, the development strategies of longyuan group, industry trends or other trends, and synergies involving consolidations and mergers or any expected revenues of the company, are forward-looking statements, thus subject to certain risks and uncertainty. due to various factors, the actual results and development will be likely to differ greatly from those expressed or suggested in the above-mentioned statements.
    any content stated in this website shall not make up and be considered as any offer to investment and trade of longyuan group’s shares and the company’s relevant securities.

domain name and trademark statement
    the domain name of shall be proprietary to longyuan group. no unit or individual shall use such a domain name without written authorization from longyuan group.
    all logos and literary trademarks of longyuan group used on the website of longyuan group ( are registered trademarks or trademarks of longyuan group and/or other countries; no unit or individual shall use the whole of or part of such trademarks mentioned above without written authorization from longyuan group.

disclaimer clause 
    we have made our best efforts to conduct examination and verification over contents of this website but we will not provide any explicate or implied guarantee in any form in such aspects as the correctness, timeliness, validity, stability, feasibility, and no infringement to others’ rights of contents. we shall not guarantee the stability of servers, and guarantee that users can browse, read, copy, or use this website at any time. we shall not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of writings, graphics, materials, links, explanations, statements or other proceedings contained in the contents on the website, nor there exist no error in such aspects as printing, duplication, or other input matters. longyuan group shall be able to make changes to contents on this website at any time and without any necessary additional notice; and longyuan group will not guarantee to update in time when changes are made to the contents , and nor will it guarantee to have users notified when updating contents.
    in any case, this website shall not undertake any legal responsibility for any direct, indirect, concomitant damage to any third party (including but not limited to damages such as profit loss, loss of information and data, and property destruction) incurred by the use of contents on this website or any failure to get access to this website no matter whether any action of contract, any action of infringement, or any other cause of action will be taken.
    links on this website are only to provide convenience for users, but websites to be linked are beyond the control of this website; when any user browses another website by use of any link on this website, such a user will not be considered to browse this website. therefore, no responsibility shall be undertaken for network transmission or transmission of any other form received from any website linked.

protection of users’ privacy
    we respect the privacy of extensive users and we will not collect any data of users without their agreement. as to e-mails, information, and addresses of users that we have known as needed for the sake of services, we hereby promise no provision to any third party without permission from users.

termination clause
    the agreement shall become invalid when any party proposes a termination. no matter whether it is prescribed under any clause in this agreement or in any other case, a termination of this agreement will be resulted in so long as a user has software, files and all relevant materials obtained from this website destroyed.

application of law and jurisdiction
    laws of the people’s republic of china shall be applicable to any and all lawsuit or dispute incurred due to this website. on condition that any revision to laws of the people’s republic of china makes any clause mentioned above unlawful, respective parties shall agree that longyuan group makes revisions to those clauses mentioned above. any dispute related to this website and statements of the website shall be governed by the people’s court with the jurisdiction of longyuan group’s place of domicile.
